Category Archives: Weight Loss

(Belated) Friday Five: Overcoming Adversity, Good & Bad Programming, Fat Loss, & More

Here is the second round of the Friday Five- where I pick 5 outstanding blog posts, videos, pictures, or articles that can help you in your training and in your quest to get stronger and fitter.  But since today is a Saturday, consider it a belated Friday Five.  Hey, at least I wrote it at all!

What is Hard Core?: this excellent Elitefts article written by Brendon Doherty is an amazing motivational read. This guy went from Bodybuilder to being diagnosed with liver cancer, given only 2 years to live after most of  his liver was removed, and told by the doctors that he wouldn’t be able to do anything physically productive for the rest of his life (naturally).  Not only did he not take the docs up on their crappy advice, he continued his bodybuilding pursuits and actually won a competition while utilizing diet and training to improve his health. Amazing story!

5 Benefits of Proper Programming: Is Your Coach up to Par?:  an excellent article by Katie Chasey about the importance of tailored programming instead of the one-size-fits-all approach used by the majority of personal trainers and coaches.  She goes into what separates good programming from bad programming.

The Minimum Effective Dose for Fat Loss: an intriguing post on implementing the minimum effective habits that will produce fat loss, instead of going balls-to-the-wall and burning out before you’ve even gotten started (pretty darn common, I think we can all agree).  This subject definitely deserves further exploration.

Squats: Toes Forward or Toes Out?:  this article on Tabata Times discusses how your toes should be positioned in a squat for maximum torque and what to do if you currently have mobility issues.

How Often Should I Test my Max?:  a Lift Big Eat Big blog post that discusses how often beginners should text their 1RM on any given lift.  Although I disagree with some of the statements made in this post, it’s still an interesting read that promotes discussion on this debated topic, which is always valuable.

What are your thoughts about any of the articles/blog posts above? Is there anything you agree or disagree with? Let me know in the comments!


Losing Weight & Exercise: Do You Need to Burn More Calories?

burn caloriesCalories in, calories out. You’ve heard this many a time, I’m sure. The diet snob on the weight loss forum who spouts out with simplicity and condescension “uh, duh, it’s calories in, calories out. Just eat less and burn more. Why don’t you get it?” And I’m here today to tell you to give her a virtual punch in her snooty face. Because she’s wrong.

Today, we shall dissect all the ways in which this flawed premise is just simply not true as related to the phrase of “burning calories”. We shall reveal how going into “caloric deficit” is not even a real concept that can be measured. Not in science, not in fantasy. I here now Read the rest of this entry